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Teaching Experience

For more than 15 years, Dr Pınar Engincan had experienced to teach graduate and undergraduate classes. Her objective is to establish a learner-centered environment in the classroom in which critical thinking is promoted, students’ own interests and learning abilities are developed. Some of her courses can be found on this page with their basic content and resources. The list of her other classes can be found on her curriculum vitae.

Modernisation and Architecture


Within the scope of the course, concepts of modernity and modernisation are discussed and the circumstances of the emergence of modern western architecture and its impacts on today’s architecture are tried to be understood. From Renaissance to early Modernism, from modern architecture to postmodernism and pluralist architectural understandings are examined through architectural artefacts under the light of circumstances of these eras.


Berman, M. (1983) Katı Olan Her Åžey Buharlaşıyor: Modernite Deneyimi, çev. Ü. AltuÄŸ, B.
Peker (1994/2004) İletişim Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
Gössel, P., Leuthauser, G.,(1991).Architecture in The Twentieth Century, Taschen, Köln.
Heynen, H. (2011). Mimarlık ve Modernite. Çev. Bahçekapılı, N.&ÖÄŸdül,R, Versus Yay.,
Simmel, G. (1903). Metropol ve Zihinsel YaÅŸam [ Metropolis and Mental Life]
Butler, C. (2013). Modernizm. Çev. Örge, N., Dost Kitabevi / Kültür Kitaplığı Dizisi, Ankara.
Batur, E. (2007). Modernizmin Serüveni. Alkım Yayınevi / Sanat Dizisi, Ä°stanbul.
More, T. (2011). Ütopya. Kabalcı Yayınevi / Humanitas Dizisi, Ä°stanbul.
Dictionary of 20th Century Architecture (1997). Ed. Lampugnani, V.M., Thames & Hudson, NY.
Ghirardo, D. (1996). Architecture after Modernism. Thames & Hudson, NY.
Corbusier, l. (1999). Bir Mimarlığa DoÄŸru. çev. Merzi, S. , YKY, Ä°stanbul
Roth, L. (1999). Mimarlığın Öyküsü. Kabalcı Yayınevi / Sanat Dizisi



Housing Architecture in the 20th Century


With the social and economic changes at the end of the 19th century, in the 20th century, housing emerged as a social phenomenon for the first time and gained an important place in the agenda of architecture. After that, modern housing research continued throughout the century, and housing needs and changing housing practices did not fall off the agenda.


In the course; emerged from the Industrial Revolution, in the context of social change and modernisation practices, the process of modernisation of the residential architecture of the 20th century, are discussed through leading examples in Europe and reflections in Turkey.


The main objective of the course is to provide the students with an understanding of modern housing and housing typologies, as well as the ability to understand and interpret the change of housing in accordance with changing social, economic and political conditions and living habits.



Rowe, P. G. 1993, Modernity and Housing, MIT Press.

Heynen, H. 2011, Mimarlık ve Modernite: Bir EleÅŸtiri, çev. Nalan Bahçekapılı ve Rahmi ÖÄŸdül, Ä°stanbul: Versus.

Droste, M. 2011, The Bauhaus: Reform and Avant-Garde, Köln: Taschen.

Zimmerman, C. 2006, Mies Van der Rohe: The Structure of Space, Köln: Taschen.

Glancey, J. 2003, 20th Century Architecture, London: Carlton Books.

Le Corbusier, 2010, Bir Mimarlığa DoÄŸru, Çev. Serpil Merzi, Ä°stanbul: YKY Yayınları

Le Corbusier, 2013, Mimarlık ÖÄŸrencileriyle SöyleÅŸi, Çev. Samih Rifat, Ä°stanbul: YKY Yayınları

BozdoÄŸan, S. 2002, Modernizm ve Ulusun Ä°nÅŸası: Erken Cumhuriyet Türkiyesi’nde Mimari Kültür, Ä°stanbul: Metis.

Bilgin, Ä°. 1999, Serbest Plan, Serbest Cephe, Serbest Ev…, Cogito Sayı: 18 Bir Anatomi Dersi: Ev, 144-157.


Bilgin, Ä°.2002. 20. Yüzyıl Mimarisi Barınma Kültürünün Hassas Dengeleri Ä°le Nasıl YüzleÅŸti, Arkitera Forum, (

Sey, Y. (ed.) 1998, 75. Yılda Değişen Kent ve Mimarlık, İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yayınları.

Tanyeli, U. 1993, “Mies van der Rohe: OrtaçaÄŸ’la Modernim Arasında”, Arredamento Dekorasyon Dergisi, 1, Ä°stanbul: Boyut Yayınları, 87-89

Tanyeli, U. 1998, Ä°stanbul 1900-2000: Konutu ve ModernleÅŸmeyi Metropolden Okumak, Ä°stanbul: Akın Nalça.

Tanyeli, U. (ed.) 1998, Üç KuÅŸak Cumhuriyet, Ä°stanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yayınları.

Tekeli, Ä°. 2010, Konut Sorununu Konut Sunum Biçimleriyle DüÅŸünmek, Ä°stanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları.



Identity and Space


The aim of the course is to look at the interrelationship between human and space through the theories produced at the intersection of architecture and social sciences and to comprehend the multi-dimensional structure of the space.


Within the scope of the course, the relationship between the concepts of place, place, identity, the identity of place with physical-social-cultural-psychological-economic and political factors and the social components of space production are discussed. The transformations of these main concepts in time and the concept of urban within this network of relationships are examined.



Mekân, Kültür, Ä°ktidar (KüreselleÅŸen Kentlerde Yeni Kimlikler) / AyÅŸe Öncü / Ä°letiÅŸim Yay. /2000
Ä°stanbul - Küresel Ä°le Yerel Arasında, ÇaÄŸlar Keyder, Metis Yay. / Tarih Toplum Felsefe Dizisi, 2005
Kültürün ABC’si, Bozkurt Güvenç / YKY – Cogito 67, 2002
Ä°nsan, Çevre, Kent, Ed: Ferzan Yıldırım, Demokrasi Kitaplığı, 2002
Mekânın Poetikası, Gaston Bachelard.
Enformasyon Çağı: Ekonomi, Toplum ve Kültür, Cilt II: KimliÄŸin Gücü, Manuel Castells, Ä°stanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2008.
Ölümcül Kimlikler / Amin Maalouf,1996. Çev: Aysel Bora. Yapı Kredi Yayınları, Ä°stanbul.
Ä°stanbul'la YüzleÅŸme Denemeleri: Çeperler, Hareketlilik ve Kentsel Bellek / Jean-François Pérouse, 2011. Ä°letiÅŸim Yayınları Ä°stanbul.
Yitik Ülke Masalları Kimlik ve Yer Sorunsalı / Sistem Yayınları, Ä°stanbul, 1999,
Metropol ve Zihinsel YaÅŸam / George Simmel
Zaman- Mekân. 2008. Yayına Hazırlayanlar: AyÅŸe Åžentürer, Funda Uz Sönmez, Özlem Berber, Åžafak Ural, YEM Yayınevi
Genius Loci: Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture / Christian Norberg-Schulz, 1991


Dwelling Habits and History of Housing in Turkey


The aim of the course is to discuss sheltering pratiques in Turkey through the history of urbanisation and housing.


Within the scope of the course, housing, housing rights, right to the city are examined in the context of urbanisation and sheltering practices, urbanisation practices, housing production and presentation forms, the relationship between housing and urbanisation practices are analysed.





Akılcı Planlamadan, Bir Demokrasi Projesi Olarak Planlamaya, İlhan Tekeli, Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, İlhan Tekeli Toplu Eserler-7, 2009, İstanbul.

Bir Åžehri Yok Etmek: Ä°stanbul’da Kazanmak ya da Kaybetmek, Emine UÅŸaklıgil, Can Yayınları, 2014, Ä°stanbul.

Ä°stanbul: Müstesna Åžehrin Ä°stisna Hali, der. AyÅŸe Çavdar-Pelin Tan, Sel Yayınları, 2013, Ä°stanbul.

Ä°stanbul - Küresel Ä°le Yerel Arasında, ÇaÄŸlar Keyder, Metis Yay. / Tarih Toplum Felsefe Dizisi, 2005

Ä°nsan, Çevre, Kent, Ed: Ferzan Yıldırım, Demokrasi Kitaplığı, 2002

Ä°stanbul'la YüzleÅŸme Denemeleri: Çeperler, Hareketlilik ve Kentsel Bellek / Jean-François Pérouse, 2011. Ä°letiÅŸim Yayınları Ä°stanbul.

Kenarın Kitabı: “Ara”da Kalmak, Çeperde YaÅŸamak, der. Funda Åženol Cantek, Ä°letiÅŸim Yayınları, 2014, Ä°stanbul.

Kentleşme Politikası, Ruşen Keleş, 2006, İmge Kitabevi, Ankara.

Konut Sempozyumu, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Ä°stanbul Büyükkent Åžubesi, 2009, Ä°stanbul.

Mekân, Kültür, Ä°ktidar (KüreselleÅŸen Kentlerde Yeni Kimlikler) / AyÅŸe Öncü / Ä°letiÅŸim Yay. / 2000


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