Founder & Director, SPACE Studies of Planning and Architecture, UK
Part-time Lecturer, Department of Architecture, FMV Isik University, Turkey
Other Publications
Engincan, P., 2017. Metropolde Kültür ve Gündelik YaÅŸam Üzerine DüÅŸünmek. [Thinking about Culture and Everyday Life in a Metropole]. Mimarist Journal, Spring 2017, Vol: 59, p: 20-25, Istanbul Branch of Chamber of Architects Publishing, Istanbul.
Engincan, P., 2016. “The ‘Ideal Home’ Assertion of Istanbul”, Procedia Engineering Vol: 161, p. 1166-1173, doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.08.533.
Engincan, P., 2015. “Kentsel DönüÅŸümün Sonuçları: Kent YoksulluÄŸu/YoksunluÄŸu ve Toplumsal Dışlanma”, [The Results of the Urban Transformation: Urban Poverty, Deprivation and Social Exclusion], IdealKent Journal (16), 107-122, Kent AraÅŸtırmaları Merkezi (Urban Research Centre), ADAMOR Publishing, Ankara.
Engincan, P., et al., 2016. “2016-2020 Dönemi Mimarlık Anabilim Dalı Stratejik Planı” [2016-2020 Period Strategic Plan of MSc. and PhD Programmes in Architecture] (unpublished pdf document), Maltepe University Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Istanbul.
Engincan, P., et al., 2016. “2016-2020 Dönemi Mimarlık Bölümü Stratejik Planı” [2016-2020 Period Strategic Plan of Department of Architecture] (unpublished pdf document), Maltepe University, Department of Architecture, Istanbul.​
Engincan, P., Aysu, E. 2014. “2011-2015 Dönemine Ait Stratejik Plan/ Mimarlık Bölümü Öz-DeÄŸerlendirme Raporu– 2013-2014” [2011-2015 Period Strategic Plan/Department of Architecture Self-Evaluation Report 2013-2014] (unpublished pdf document), Maltepe University, Department of Architecture, Istanbul.
Engincan, P., Makaklı Süyük, E., Atalan, Ö., 2013. “Maltepe/Başıbüyük Kentsel DönüÅŸüm Projesi’nin Başıbüyük Mahallesi’ne Sosyo-Ekonomik ve Mekânsal Etkisi” [Socio-economic and Spatial Effect of Maltepe/Başıbüyük Urban Transformation Project to Başıbüyük Neigbourhood] Research Report (unpublished pdf document), Maltepe University, Human and Social Sciences Research and Application Centre, Istanbul.​
Engincan Bol, P., 2007. “Lara Bölgesi’nin Antalya’nın KentleÅŸmesindeki Rolü” [The Role of Lara Region in Antalya’s Urbanisation], online publication,
Engincan Bol, P., 2006. “Mostar Kenti Konut Alanları GeliÅŸimi” [Development of Residential Areas of Mostar], online publication,
Engincan Bol, P., 2006. “Residence Konutta Birey Olmak ya da Saksıda Çiçek…” [To be an Individual in a Residence or a Flower in a Vase…], online publication,
Engincan, P. et al., 2005. 1999 Workshop Report by Groups “Reconstruction of the Vinicity of the Stari Most”, Mostar 2004 Program 1994-2004 Final Report, compiled by Prof. Dr. Amir Pašić, Studies on the History and Culture of Bosnia and Hercegovina, No: 8, ISBN: 92-9063-145-7, p.121, Ircica, Ä°stanbul.
Engincan, P., et al., 2004. Team work, Drawings and Surveys in “Conservation and Revitalisation of Historic Mostar”, Historic Cities Support Program, Aga Khan Trust for Culture / World Monuments Fund, Switzerland,
Engincan, P., et al., 1999. Team work, Drawings and Surveys in ‘Reclaiming Historic Mostar – Oppurtunities for Revitalization’, Aga Khan Trust for Culture’s Historic Cities Support Programme and World Monuments Fund, Istanbul.