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Research and Publications


She completed her MSc in Architecture which was under the sponsorship of Aga Khan Trust for Culture, Historic Cities Support Programme, and PhD in Architecture in Building Science and Technology Programme/ Housing Production and Construction Management sub-division in Yildiz Technical University. Her main field of expertise is “Housing and Urban Settlements”. Her related research interests are housing policy and production, urbanisation, urbanisation policy, regeneration in residential areas, participatory design in housing, and use and production of urban space and urban identity in residential areas.


Her MSc thesis named “Production, Organisation and Administration Modelling of Housing Estates in Mostar” was studied because of the need of housing production that had come out after the Yugoslavia civil war between 1992 and 1995. At the focus of this work; new settlement fields of the city, the work that was done for those fields, property rights, re-construction potentials, planning strategy, legal statue and financing were taken into consideration.  


Her PhD thesis called “The Evaluation of Regeneration Process of Residential Areas in the Case Study City Mostar” was about the evaluation of actors and their roles in housing areas’ regeneration process in countries switching from socialist system to capitalist system with a case study in Mostar. As the focus in the study was “housing areas’ regeneration process”, the political system including housing and urban policy and actors in the system for restructuring housing stock was examined deeply, especially on central and local administration basis. She established a model for the regeneration process in terms of actors and roles according to the results of this evaluation in the dissertation. 


After her PhD, she had researches in her field of expertise and journal articles, conference papers, reports published, research projects and workshops participated and directed. She also has researches about the actors (especially TOKI-Housing Development Administration of Turkey) of the housing production system, regeneration programs, user participation, place attachment and related problems in housing areas, effects of globalisation to the daily life of the cities which can be found on this website.


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