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Journal Articles


Engincan, P., 2017. Metropolde Kültür ve Gündelik YaÅŸam Üzerine DüÅŸünmek. [Thinking about Culture and Everyday Life in a Metropole]. Mimarist Journal, Spring 2017, Vol: 59, p: 20-25, Istanbul Branch of Chamber of Architects Publishing, Istanbul.


Engincan, P., 2016. “The ‘Ideal Home’ Assertion of Istanbul”, Procedia Engineering Vol: 161, p. 1166-1173, doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.08.533.


Engincan, P., 2016.  “Garip Bir Kamu Kurumu: TOKÄ°’nin Dünü, Bugünü” [A Strange Public Institution: Yesterday and Today of TOKI], Alt-Üst Journal (18), 32-34, Z Publishing, Istanbul.


Engincan, P., 2015. “Kentsel DönüÅŸümün Sonuçları: Kent YoksulluÄŸu/YoksunluÄŸu ve Toplumsal Dışlanma”, [The Results of the Urban Transformation: Urban Poverty, Deprivation and Social Exclusion], IdealKent Journal (16), 107-122, Kent AraÅŸtırmaları Merkezi (Urban Research Centre), ADAMOR Publishing, Ankara.


Engincan, P., 2017. Metropolde Kültür ve Gündelik YaÅŸam Üzerine DüÅŸünmek. [Thinking about Culture and Everyday Life in a Metropole]. Mimarist Journal, Spring 2017, Vol: 59, p: 20-25, Istanbul Branch of Chamber of Architects Publishing, Istanbul.

Open Magazines

Engincan, P., 2016. “The ‘Ideal Home’ Assertion of Istanbul”, Procedia Engineering Vol: 161, p. 1166-1173, doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.08.533.


Engincan, P., 2016.  “Garip Bir Kamu Kurumu: TOKÄ°’nin Dünü, Bugünü” [A Strange Public Institution: Yesterday and Today of TOKI], Alt-Üst Journal (18), 32-34, Z Publishing, Istanbul.


Engincan, P., 2015. “Kentsel DönüÅŸümün Sonuçları: Kent YoksulluÄŸu/YoksunluÄŸu ve Toplumsal Dışlanma”, [The Results of the Urban Transformation: Urban Poverty, Deprivation and Social Exclusion], IdealKent Journal (16), 107-122, Kent AraÅŸtırmaları Merkezi (Urban Research Centre), ADAMOR Publishing, Ankara.


Engincan Bol, P., 2010. “Theory and Method in Analysis of Regeneration Process of Residential Areas”, ABACUS–An Internationally Refereed Bi-Annual Journal on Architecture, Conservation and Urban Studies, Spring 2010, Vol:5, No:1, ISSN: 0973-8339, 1-7, India.​


Engincan, P., Bilgin, Ä°., 2008. “Bosna-Hersek’in SavaÅŸ Sonrası DeÄŸiÅŸen Konut Politikası–Mostar ÖrneÄŸi: Yeni YerleÅŸim Alanları” [Bosnia-Herzegovina’s Changing Post War Housing Policy–Mostar Case: New Settlement Areas], Megaron, Yıldız Technical University Faculty of Architecture E-Journal, Vol. 3, Issue.2, 206–218, Istanbul.​


Engincan, P., 2000. “Mesleki Yetkinlik” [Professional Perfection], Galata Bülteni 2000/1 (5), 16-17, Istanbul Branch of Chamber of Architects Publishing, Istanbul.​


Engincan, P., 2000. “Gözün Vicdanı-Kentin Tasarımı ve Toplumsal YaÅŸam” [The Conscience of the Eye – The Design and Social Life of Cities / book review] Galata Bülteni 2000/1 (5), 73-74, Istanbul Branch of Chamber of Architects, Istanbul.​

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